The Three Principles Foundations

Join me as we unpack this understanding of how life works that turns traditional psychology and our understanding of life on its head. This revolutionary approach is built around three principles that explain our feelings and how our life experiences can transform for the better.
Over the course of 12-weeks, we will deep-dive to understand and deepen our grounding with surprisingly impactful recordings of the interactive calls. You’ll learn these principles for yourself and gain insight into various subjects that we will explore every week. So follow along with me as I guide you in conjunction with key speakers over the edge of your world and into a space of potential and possibilities.
Understanding these principles allows you to tap into the deeper intelligence behind life, access your natural wisdom and guidance, and unleash your creative power. As a result, you’ll be able to live with less stress, greater ease, and a sense of connection to the larger unfolding of life and get a deeper understanding and grounding of how these principles play into various areas of our lives.
This course is for you if you are already aware of the principles but want to see the relevance in your own life and are motivated to get a deeper understanding of how this plays out in your life.
Here is what is included:
Access to the Three Principles Transformational Weekend recordings.
A weekly recording over the course of 12-weeks covering a specific subject (refer to sessions and guests below).
Access to a Three Principles Foundations Community Facebook page to ask questions, share ideas and connect. All calls were recorded and made available in the Facebook group, with preparation material to review, read or listen to before watching or listening to the actual call.
A 1-hour Zoom call with Roan to discuss and clarify your understanding, ask questions and connect.
Price: $299 (AUD).
Available for you to watch at your own pace.
​Click on the Speakers' names to read more about them and their work.
1. Transformational weekend
The first call with Elsie Spittle
The second call with Dicken Bettinger
2. Deep-dive
Deep dive on key elements of the principles and what it means for us with Dr. Bill Pettit
3. Foundations
The Foundations required to deepen your grounding in the principles with Natasha Swerdloff
4. Implications
The implications of the principles by Keith Blevens
5. Happiness and Wellbeing
Happiness and Wellbeing from the inside-out by Dr. Amy Johnson
6. Stress, worry and anxiety
Stress, worry and anxiety with Nicola Bird
7. Confidence, self belief and self esteem
Confidence, self belief and esteem with Jacquie Forde
8. Navigating crisis, risk and uncertainty
Navigating Crisis, Risk and Uncertainty with Sandra Krot
9. Physical health
Physical health from a principles perspective with Chana Studley
10. Addictions, compulsions and bad habits
Addictions, Compulsions and bad habits with Harry Derbitsky
11. Relationships
Relationships deep-dive with Jack Pransky and partner
12. The key to success without stress
A new way to think about goals and results with Chantal Burns
13. Money and the principles
Money from a principles perspective with Jamie Smart