A 4-week course on establishing your 3P Practice or taking your existing Practice to the next level.
Learn how to establish/successfully operate your 3P Practice, establish yourself as an authority in this space, create a trustworthy online profile, decide on your ideal client and how to reach them, generate interest in your work, develop and lead an online community, build relationships and how to enroll clients and work with them.

Operating in this space for 7 years, I have learned a few things by attending courses, trying things and running my practice, and I would love to share some of these learnings, lessons and realisations I had when it comes to various aspects of my Three Principles Practice.
Below is an overview of the items we will cover over the four weeks, meeting every Tuesday (Session 1) and Thursday (Session 2), 8.30 am - 9.30 am (AEDT).
Week 1: Tue 22/08 and Thu 24/08
Session 1: You and your Practice
1. Overview of the program
2. Operating as a 3P Practioner
3. Managing your schedule
4. The 4 C’s in a Practioner’s World
5. Your Practice Model
​Session 2: Building Authority and your target client
​1. How to become an authority in the Principles
2. Who to work with
3. Tailoring your message
4. Generating interest in what you have to offer
Week 2: Tue 29/08 and Thu 31/08
Session 1: Your following
1. Your Practioner Profile
2. Creating and serving your group
​Session 2: Getting our message out
​1. Different ways to get your message out
2. Social media posts, videos, events, campaigns
Week 3: Tue 5/09 and Thu 7/09
Session 1: Engaging clients:
Client engagement and Relationships in your 3P Practice
​Session 2: Your offer
Your Offer
Enrolling clients
Week 4: Tue 12/09 and Thu 14/09
Session 1: Making an impact
Your system to make an impact on your 3P client
Working as a Practioner
​Session 2: 3P’s in your practice
1. Focus points as a Practioner in your work with clients
VIP Experience - extra $99: Fri 25/08, 01/09, 8/09, 15/09
Every Friday, over the course of the training, a group of VIPs will meet to review, to discuss, answer questions, and get guidance on:
1. Your Practice
2. You as a Practioner
3. Your clients and how you can reach them
4. Your offer
5. Client Engagement
6. Client Impact
Register and Pay - early bird until 13 August.
Pay below - option 1 - standard 4-week course, option 2 - VIP experience with weekly Q&A, reviews and more!